USDC, Northern District of West Virginia
1:10cv110 Judge Keeley
Brown, et al. vs. The Cochran Firm Frauds
Memorandum Opinion and Order Denying Motion to Dismiss
ANOTHER former client of The Cochran Firm has sued for fraud - Lael Brown, et al. The Brown lawsuit against The Cochran Firm was successful, unlike most others. The Cochran Firm seems to have the same immunity as police officers do in American courts. Christopher Tucker is another former client alleging fraud and malpractice in a lawsuit against The Cochran Firm. His case is discussed in the next article in this "Legal Victories" blog. Tucker said the Brown case is similar to his, in that:
(1) Both cases had the same supervising attorney - Anthony Partipilo, whose law license is now suspended by the California Bar because of misconduct in other cases; and
(2) The Cochran Firm overcharged Brown and Tucker, then in each case got a local attorney at a much reduced fee to actually represent them. Brown signed contract with The Firm believing that a lawyer from The Firm would really represent the defendant, not a local lawyer who The Firm paid only $5,400 of the $27,900 that Brown paid The Cochran Firm. Likewise, Tucker paid The Cochran Firm over $12,000 for defense, but The Cochran Firm hired a local attorney to actually defend Tucker for $500.
The Cochran Firm misuses Johnnie Cochran's name and legacy to lure unsuspecting clients to The Firm. It charges exorbitant fees for criminal defense and then hires local lawyers to handle many, if not most, of its cases. In Christopher Tucker's case, the local attorney refused to sign an acknowledgement that he had been fully briefed on the case when he was asked to tell that lie. Both Brown's and Tucker's cases were in criminal court. The Cochran Firm also defrauds clients in civil court actions, such as the Neal family.
NO attorney was hired by The Firm to actually represent the Neals in a wrongful death civil action case against Memphis Shelby County Jail regarding the "Wrongful Death of Larry Neal" (Google the name). In fact, The Cochran Firm used U.S. Mail fraud to write to the Neals about legal work that was not really being done while the Tennessee statute of limitations passed. The Cochran Firm apparently decided to help Shelby County Government officials avoid accountability for killing Larry Neal, a 54-year-old mentally ill heart patient who under undisclosed circumstances after 18 days of secret incarceration. The defendant in the Brown case also has mental health issues. Although The Firm accepted $27,900 to represent Brown, Nazis think of mentally challenged people as being "useless eaters" and might prefer for them to be dead like Larry is or imprisoned, like the defendant faced in the Brown case.
The Cochran Firm claimed a jurisdictional issue existed in the Brown and Tucker malpractice cases against The Firm. Regarding "Neals v. The Cochran Firm," The Cochran Firm actually disclaimed having any law offices in the State of Georgia, which was a fraud on the court. The law office of Cochran Cherry Givens & Smith in Atlanta also had itself declared to be totally unrelated to the national office of The Cochran Firm and any of its affiliates. Ironically, The Cochran Firm now declares itself to be a single law firm with numerous offices in defense of its former partner's allegations of The Firm's RICO Act Racketeering - an about face. The McMurray matter is ongoing in California courts. One judge wisely recused herself.
The Cochran Firm wanted the Brown and Tucker cases tried in California, so perhaps The Cochran Firm has some "understanding" with courts in California like it seems to have in Georgia. That transfer was refused in the Brown's West Virginia case and should also be refused in Tucker's Oklahoma case. Plaintiffs can sue under the diversity rule when defendants reside in a separate state. The Neals sued under the diversity rule in federal court after Judge Wendy Shoob of Georgia Superior Court falsely declared in 2006 that The Cochran Firm has no law offices within the State of Georgia, but the federal judge was also a disappointment.
Federal Judge Timothy Batten in Atlanta ordered that it was "immaterial" that The Cochran Firm scoundrels defrauded the Neals in order to prevent our lawsuit against the jail, which secretly arrested and murdered Larry Neal and engaged in an elaborate cover-up with other government agencies to prevent disclosure. In other words, murders and conspiracies to hide murders were excused by Judge Batten. This year, the matter goes before International Court. See AIMI vs. USA case at
We congratulate Brown and other plaintiffs who prevailed against The Cochran Firm frauds. Apparently, The Firm is not above the law in every court. That makes the Brown case a significant Legal Victory!
The Memorandum Opinion and Order Denying Motion to Dismiss is below.
Legal Victory Re Cochran Firm Fraud
Read about Christopher Tucker's lawsuit against The Cochran Firm at the next article in Legal Victories blog. Hear and share Tucker's interview at Human Rights Demand channel, taped January 7, 2015.
Call and write with information about legal victories you wish to highlight.
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MaryLovesJustice Neal
Phone (678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741
I endure First Amendment rights violations, as evidenced in "Justice Gagged"
See our schedule of Blogtalkradio programs on "Human Rights Demand"
Please see a list of MaryLovesJustice Blogs and Radio Shows
New this year: Book authors are invited to inquire about having your books featured by MaryLovesJustice. Only books about social, legal, or economic justice issues are featured at this time.
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1:10cv110 Judge Keeley
Brown, et al. vs. The Cochran Firm Frauds
Memorandum Opinion and Order Denying Motion to Dismiss
ANOTHER former client of The Cochran Firm has sued for fraud - Lael Brown, et al. The Brown lawsuit against The Cochran Firm was successful, unlike most others. The Cochran Firm seems to have the same immunity as police officers do in American courts. Christopher Tucker is another former client alleging fraud and malpractice in a lawsuit against The Cochran Firm. His case is discussed in the next article in this "Legal Victories" blog. Tucker said the Brown case is similar to his, in that:
(1) Both cases had the same supervising attorney - Anthony Partipilo, whose law license is now suspended by the California Bar because of misconduct in other cases; and
(2) The Cochran Firm overcharged Brown and Tucker, then in each case got a local attorney at a much reduced fee to actually represent them. Brown signed contract with The Firm believing that a lawyer from The Firm would really represent the defendant, not a local lawyer who The Firm paid only $5,400 of the $27,900 that Brown paid The Cochran Firm. Likewise, Tucker paid The Cochran Firm over $12,000 for defense, but The Cochran Firm hired a local attorney to actually defend Tucker for $500.
The Cochran Firm misuses Johnnie Cochran's name and legacy to lure unsuspecting clients to The Firm. It charges exorbitant fees for criminal defense and then hires local lawyers to handle many, if not most, of its cases. In Christopher Tucker's case, the local attorney refused to sign an acknowledgement that he had been fully briefed on the case when he was asked to tell that lie. Both Brown's and Tucker's cases were in criminal court. The Cochran Firm also defrauds clients in civil court actions, such as the Neal family.
NO attorney was hired by The Firm to actually represent the Neals in a wrongful death civil action case against Memphis Shelby County Jail regarding the "Wrongful Death of Larry Neal" (Google the name). In fact, The Cochran Firm used U.S. Mail fraud to write to the Neals about legal work that was not really being done while the Tennessee statute of limitations passed. The Cochran Firm apparently decided to help Shelby County Government officials avoid accountability for killing Larry Neal, a 54-year-old mentally ill heart patient who under undisclosed circumstances after 18 days of secret incarceration. The defendant in the Brown case also has mental health issues. Although The Firm accepted $27,900 to represent Brown, Nazis think of mentally challenged people as being "useless eaters" and might prefer for them to be dead like Larry is or imprisoned, like the defendant faced in the Brown case.
The Cochran Firm claimed a jurisdictional issue existed in the Brown and Tucker malpractice cases against The Firm. Regarding "Neals v. The Cochran Firm," The Cochran Firm actually disclaimed having any law offices in the State of Georgia, which was a fraud on the court. The law office of Cochran Cherry Givens & Smith in Atlanta also had itself declared to be totally unrelated to the national office of The Cochran Firm and any of its affiliates. Ironically, The Cochran Firm now declares itself to be a single law firm with numerous offices in defense of its former partner's allegations of The Firm's RICO Act Racketeering - an about face. The McMurray matter is ongoing in California courts. One judge wisely recused herself.
The Cochran Firm wanted the Brown and Tucker cases tried in California, so perhaps The Cochran Firm has some "understanding" with courts in California like it seems to have in Georgia. That transfer was refused in the Brown's West Virginia case and should also be refused in Tucker's Oklahoma case. Plaintiffs can sue under the diversity rule when defendants reside in a separate state. The Neals sued under the diversity rule in federal court after Judge Wendy Shoob of Georgia Superior Court falsely declared in 2006 that The Cochran Firm has no law offices within the State of Georgia, but the federal judge was also a disappointment.
Federal Judge Timothy Batten in Atlanta ordered that it was "immaterial" that The Cochran Firm scoundrels defrauded the Neals in order to prevent our lawsuit against the jail, which secretly arrested and murdered Larry Neal and engaged in an elaborate cover-up with other government agencies to prevent disclosure. In other words, murders and conspiracies to hide murders were excused by Judge Batten. This year, the matter goes before International Court. See AIMI vs. USA case at
We congratulate Brown and other plaintiffs who prevailed against The Cochran Firm frauds. Apparently, The Firm is not above the law in every court. That makes the Brown case a significant Legal Victory!
The Memorandum Opinion and Order Denying Motion to Dismiss is below.
Legal Victory Re Cochran Firm Fraud
Read about Christopher Tucker's lawsuit against The Cochran Firm at the next article in Legal Victories blog. Hear and share Tucker's interview at Human Rights Demand channel, taped January 7, 2015.
Call and write with information about legal victories you wish to highlight.
Messages will be responded to within 24 hours, or please try again.
MaryLovesJustice Neal
Phone (678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741
I endure First Amendment rights violations, as evidenced in "Justice Gagged"
See our schedule of Blogtalkradio programs on "Human Rights Demand"
Please see a list of MaryLovesJustice Blogs and Radio Shows
New this year: Book authors are invited to inquire about having your books featured by MaryLovesJustice. Only books about social, legal, or economic justice issues are featured at this time.
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